During this time Casa Compasiva has trained women with a single purpose— which is to serve with love and compassion through midwifery and ministry. At Casa Compasiva,midwives, doulas and doctors have been an educational bridge for parents towards knowledge in decision-making. They have consistently offered quality services in an empathetic and safe way.The sacrifices, time, and investment in training over these years have enabled more than 900 women to receive initial prenatal consultation, many of them following up with full prenatal care at Casa Compasiva. We have offered other services such as: well-woman checks, ultrasound, pregnancy tests, nutritional counseling, exercise classes, lactation support,and pastoral/spiritual counseling. We have supported 161 women in the process of giving birth, and our eyes rejoiced to see these new little boys and girls, our hands cuddled them, and our arms were extended to receive them and pass them into the loving care of their mothers. Besides births that took place at Casa Compasiva, we have also accompanied 104 women in their labor and deliveries in other hospitals, offering emotional and spiritual support in every hour and in every uterine contraction with comfort measures, words of affirmation and prayer.
Over the years there have been organizational, administrative and managerial changes that have contributed to improvements in the service and have helped to clarify the vision of Casa Compasiva. Over the last few weeks, unexpected changes have taken place, and as always, we believe and trust that all things work together for good for those who love God. We look forward to many more years of offering quality maternity services in the name of Jesus, and we want to thank you in advance for your prayers, petitions, and provision since you are the source that God has provided for the sustenance of the ministry.
Written by Liyita Trinidad
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