"Compassion House" is a Christian birth and midwifery training center in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Casa Compasiva A.C.

Casa Compasiva A.C.
Birth Center

Introducing Donaji

Here is our dear friend and doctora in her own words, translated for your benefit:

My name is Donaji Barahona, and I am a general physician with 28 years of experience.  I am 52 years old, and have 4 beautiful children, ages 26, 24, 22 and 18 years old.  My husband is a general surgeon.  I was born in the small town/village of Mitla, Oaxaca, and I grew up watching my mom attend births in a natural and respectful way.  Her name is Rosa, and she is an obstetric nurse/midwife.  My father was also the town physician.

During my professional studies, I learned another method of attending women in labor that was very different from the approach with which I had become accustomed.  It appeared that science was very far removed from feelings.   
When I began to work with Casa Compasiva, I discovered what I had always wanted for women and their babies: respectful care and attention, with love and with scientific and cultural knowledge.  But above all I never fail to marvel at the power of prayer and faith in accomplishing our goals and objectives with women and their babies.
At Casa Compasiva, I found a great team of marvelous women with a strong will to work, but even more a desire to serve.  I want to pass on to them my experience as a doctor and midwife for the benefit of humanity. I now believe that if we can bring happy babies into the world and raise them in the fear of God, we will achieve many good things.
I give thanks to God and to Lila, too, for her friendship and the trust she had in me to invite me to be part of this marvelous and blessed project.  And I give thanks to all the team: Melvis, Estela, Lety, Elsa, Mirna, and Lila—for their friendship and teachings. 

We all have different gifts that we want to use in Casa Compasiva.  (Romans 12:6-8) I want to offer these gifts in service to the Lord.  “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1Peter 4:10)


1 comment

  1. I am inspired by Donaji's words. It's beautiful that she uses her gift of medical knowledge to serve Christ in Oaxaca. It is so important that women be able to give birth in a context of love, patience, and encouragement. This helps reduce the number of unnecessary caesarians performed. Thank you, Donaji, Lila, and Casa Compasiva.

    Beth Ramirez in Guatemala


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