"Compassion House" is a Christian birth and midwifery training center in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Casa Compasiva A.C.

Casa Compasiva A.C.
Birth Center

Officially Dedicated to the Lord

This is just a small sample of photos taken at last night's open house/ dedication service.  To see a slide show of the ceremony and celebration or to add photos you may have taken, go to the following links:

Praise the Lord for a glorious evening with friends and supporters of Casa Compasiva!  It was a very full house.  We wish all who have contributed could have been part of this special occasion.

Again, thanks to the whole team who are part of this unique ministry.  Casa Compasiva would not be a reality without the loving help of at least one hundred helpers and financial supporters. 

(photos compliments of Jamie Conzatti)

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