"Compassion House" is a Christian birth and midwifery training center in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Casa Compasiva A.C.

Casa Compasiva A.C.
Birth Center

Laundry Facilities Upgrade

Many people gave generously in response to our appeal for Laundry and Security upgrades at Casa Compasiva. The Canadian matching gift of $4,000 was met in full, and the American matching gift of $2,000 as well!! Together this has more than amply supplied for completion of the Laundry Upgrade project, and we are thrilled! Thank you so much to the generous donors who supplied the matching gifts, and thank you to all of you givers who saw the need and stepped up to the plate! 

Since more money came in than we had expected, we would like to dedicate any extra money raised to fund low-income women who maybe can’t afford pre-natal care or a birth at Casa. In the past we have called this our “Birth Scholarship Fund” and for lack of a better term, I will refer to it as such. If you are a contributor to the Laundry/Security upgrade project, and would prefer for any excess to be applied in some area OTHER than the Birth Scholarship Fund, please contact me immediately. We want to be sure to honour your wishes on how to appropriate your gift. 

So the first phase is complete, and now we will begin to focus on the Security aspect of the two-pronged project. Will update when the next steps are done. Thank you, and may God be praised! 

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