"Compassion House" is a Christian birth and midwifery training center in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Casa Compasiva A.C.

Casa Compasiva A.C.
Birth Center

Looking for Prayer Sponsors...(again)!

Ok, folks, if you will remember, an integral aspect of the ministry of Casa Compasiva is PRAYER!! We believe in the power of prayer, depend on it, and trust in the God who hears it.   

Without prayer, our ministry is ineffective, our relationships are subject to being sabotaged, and our pregnant mamas are vulnerable.   Without prayer, we may as well pack up and go home!  It’s that important!

Some of you already consider yourself part of the Casa Compasiva prayer team. You are lifting up our needs to God’s throne on a regular—daily or weekly—basis.  Thank you for your faithfulness!

Others of you are serving as warriors on the emergency prayer team.  You’re the ones who get the calls in the middle of the night on behalf of a woman struggling in labour, or a baby not doing well.  Thanks for being willing to go to war at all hours!

And still others of you have been prayer-sponsoring a particular mama throughout her pregnancy, birth, and for six weeks postpartum.  We so appreciate your dedication to our individual mamas…thank you!

However, we have a confession to make:  our organization of the sponsor-a-pregnant-mama-prayer-program has not always been what it should.  Not anybody’s fault—just the reality of so much to do in so little time.   Unfortunately, as a result, some of you have been disappointed in your experience of sponsoring a mama, since you maybe did not receive timely informational updates, etc.  We are so sorry…please forgive us! 

And having forgiven us, would you be willing to try again?  Or, if you are new to the idea, would you begin to sponsor a pregnant mama in prayer for the first time?  Because we still really believe in the value of this program and the power of strategic prayer!  And we currently have nineteen (19!!) pregnant ladies (and their babies) who are not yet being covered by name in prayer.

If you would be willing to serve with us in this way, please write to us ASAP.  These mamas and their little ones cannot wait!  If you indicated your interest at one of the meetings that I spoke at during the summer, please verify that by signing up again.  Simply click here to send us an email.   

 Please continue to be patient with us as we struggle to put a workable system of timely communication in place for this program.  

To those of you praying on one of the other teams, thank you again! And keep up the good work!

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