"Compassion House" is a Christian birth and midwifery training center in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Casa Compasiva A.C.

Casa Compasiva A.C.
Birth Center

Open for business

Yes, you read that right.  Casa Compasiva is now open for business!  Please spread the word to any expectant mothers you may happen to know in the Oaxaca valley.  We now need more wombs to measure, blood pressure to check, and fetal heart tones to monitor.  This is exciting!

Thank you for remembering us in prayer this week as we continue with the very first training session.  Here's another glimpse of our class.  Hold onto your chairs as you watch the scintillating video.  (And don't blink.)

You might also notice the old YWAM logo on the one wall.  Hopefully soon that will be replaced with our own Casa Compasiva logo.  However the rest of the walls are still pretty much barren (pardon the pun).  Keep us in mind if you have any lovely or homey pictures or mirrors you would like to donate.  We still need some lamps, rugs, and other furnishings, too.  Little by little it is coming together.

Some of the training is on DVD

  Thanks once again for your partnership with us in this new venture.


  1. This is so wonderful !!! Exciting to see it coming together!

  2. Nice idea to have prayer partners ! I have a on line course www.midwifetobe.com if you know of anyone needing something like that.I also lead students over seas (Uganda and dom Rep) to deliver babies in poor hospitals and bring supplies.Bless you in your great work !


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