"Compassion House" is a Christian birth and midwifery training center in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Casa Compasiva A.C.

Casa Compasiva A.C.
Birth Center

Countdown to Launch!

January 17th-- one week from today--is our target opening date, an arbitrary date set way back in the summertime.  It was set before we had a facility for the birth center, before we had any personnel- volunteer or otherwise-, before we had any equipment or supplies, and before we had a peso to our name. Yet it was set prayerfully, and God has been so wonderfully faithful to honour that arbitrary date!

He has supplied an incredible facility, He has supplied doctors, itinerant midwives, equipment and supplies, and enough pesos to get us off the ground.  He didn't need to do that: He is not obligated to fit  in to our pre-determined schedules, but He delights in holding His children's hands and encouraging them as they toddle along in their baby steps of faith.
It is now fifteen months since this Oaxacan birth center idea was first conceived. The birth center, developed in the womb of prayer and faith, has gone through the full gestation period and is now in active labour (meaning we are working very hard right now!).  It has been a long pregnancy, and we are waiting expectantly (pun totally intended) for the baby to appear. Like any first-time parents, we at Casa Compasiva are excited and also a bit nervous. So much still to do to get ready for this very BIG baby-- this very big project! 
Now we are in countdown mode, with our doula (midwives' assistant)-training course beginning on Thursday the 14th, and continuing through the following week. Yes, you read that right.  Even though we will be in the middle of a training course, we will still be opening our doors to Casa Compasiva's very first clients. Any women who arrive for prenatal care in that first week will also be prevailed upon to lend us their tummies for training purposes. :) To be honest, we hope that not too many women show up in the first few days,  giving us a bit more time to get thoroughly organized.  

 Please keep us in your prayers as we wade through the myriad of details still to be taken care of in the next few days, and pray for each mama and baby soon to be offered compassionate care in Jesus' name.

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