"Compassion House" is a Christian birth and midwifery training center in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Casa Compasiva A.C.

Casa Compasiva A.C.
Birth Center

Power of Prayer

Casa Compasiva is proud to announce the first birth! 

 It happened this week after a long and hard, but triumphant labour.  Our birthing mama did a magnificent job, but when her energy finally gave out, we were all privileged to witness the amazing power of prayer.  

As mama and birth team all cried out to God, He answered and gave her strength to finish the job-- and finish well!  

The doctor on our team who witnessed the event commented later that from a medical perspective there is no explanation for how things turned out.  She said that it was a marvel and could only attribute it to the power of prayer.  

We of course know that it is not just the power of prayer, but the amazing power of our loving and faithful God.  Thank You, Father!  And thanks also to our prayer partners who are lifting this ministry to the throne.   

Mama and baby are happily settled at home and doing well.  

The Birth Team
Lila and her namesake, Layla
Three generations of very content women
 Photos used by permission


  1. Oh this is a wonderful story!! Im so excited for you and to see your dream being fulfilled!! Bless you all

  2. Hola, estoy muy contenta de ver crecer a mi niña poco a poco, al
    verla se me olvida todo lo pasado y me hace pensar en ver hacia el
    futuro y que solo importa ella, ahora ella goza de salud y es una niña
    muy fuerte que me ha dado Dios, Gracias a todas y cada una de ustedes
    de la Casa Compasiva, que el Señor les Bendiga Grandemente hoy y
    siempre, Muchas Gracias....
    Y Gracias a ti Lila, sin ti no hubiera podido hacerlo, Gracias por tus
    oraciones. =)

    Hi, I'm very happy to see my child grow little by little,
    Seeing her, I forget all the past and makes me think of looking to the
    future and only care about her, now she is healthy and is a girl
    very strongly that God has given me, thanks to each and every one of you
    Compassionate House that the Lord will bless you today and
    always, many thanks ....
    Lila And thanks to you, without you could not do, Thank you for your
    prayers. =)


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